Make a Great First Impression
ring….ring…..ring…..”Thank you for calling XYZ Company. We aren’t able to answer the phone right now, so leave us a message and we will call you back.”
What is your first impression of XYZ Company? Do you feel like you are dealing with a larger, established organization, or would it appear that the one employee was unable to answer his phone?
Of course, organizations with one or even just a few employees may be the backbone of America’s economy, but that doesn’t change the fact customers want someone to answer the phone. Whether you are busy or not, no one wants to leave a voicemail – they want to speak with someone NOW.
That’s why Solutions Office Suites offers Business Call Answering to all of our virtual and full time office clients. What is Business Call Answering? Your phone calls are directed to a professional receptionist who answers the phone with your business name and then directs the calls either to a phone or voicemail box. So, instead of voicemail, your clients hear: “Good morning, thank you for calling XYZ Company. How may I direct your call?”
That could very well be the difference between them calling the next company on the list or staying in contact with you.
Can I keep my phone number?
Yes, you can either have your phone number forwarded to our reception desk, or we can port your number right into our phone system to save monthly costs.
What happens if I don’t answer the call after the receptionist answers?
The receptionist will transfer the call to the number(s) you have selected. If you don’t answer, your voicemail will answer and you would get the messages as you normally would.
Will the receptionist tell me who it is that is calling?
An option many of our clients take advantage of is Business Call Screening, where the receptionist announces the caller before transferring the call (giving you the option to answer or not).
What hours is the service available?
We answer phones from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday, every day except established holidays.
To learn more about Business Call Answering, or to sign up for a virtual or full time office, give us a call at 813-229-1500 or contact us online.